FAMOC 5.4.0: - FAMOC Base Agent 5.4.0 for Android: - SafetyNet attestation support SafetyNet attestation is checked during device provisioning (both BYOD and Device owner mode) before adding corporate data to the device. If attestation fails, the policy update will not proceed (none of the configurations / apps assigned to the policy will be applied). In order to set it up, it is required to provide SafetyNet API key. It can be obtained via Google APIs Console. More info can be found in FAMOC documentation. When API key is provided, SafetyNet attestation can be set in general policy settings. - Advanced keyguard management of the device and work profile lock screens. Work profile keyguard features: - Disable trust agents - Allow fingerprint to unlock - Disable unredacted notifications Fully managed device keyguard features: - Disable all keyguard features - Disable trust agents - Allow fingerprint to unlock - Disable all notifications - Disable unredacted notifications - Disable secure camera - New configuration: "Always on VPN settings" for Android Enterprise that allows administrator to specify an Always On VPN to ensure that data from specified managed apps will always go through a configured VPN. NOTE: This feature requires deploying a VPN client that supports both Always On and per-app VPN features. - Samsung Knox Platform for Enterprise license moved from container settings of the policy to general part. Now it is possible to enable Samsung KPE license without the setup of the work profile on Samsung devices that allow the premium Samsung features without the container. - [UI] Managed Google Play iframe support Managed Google Play view is now embedded directly in UI console (suboption of Application tab). It contains: - Search apps - allows IT admins to search for and browse Google Play apps, view app details and select apps - Private apps - allows IT admins to publish and manage private apps for their enterprise - Web apps - allows IT admins to publish and distribute website shortcuts as apps When app is selected in this view, it is synchronised to FAMOC and should be enabled in FAMOC store in order to enable it for corporate devices. NOTE: Required access to the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidenterprise. - Possibility to assign application to many application groups (using advanced or UI interface). Application must be assigned to at least one application group. - [UI] Filter tags on Application tab It is now possible to filter Application tab using filter option. In the current version there are 3 filter areas: - Installation source - where we can filter Google Play apps, iOS App Store apps, Managed Google Play apps or in-house apps - Major app groups - up to nine most numerous application groups - Installation destination - apps prepared for work profile or device part - [UI] Improved application search on Application tab by adding search by group name - [UI] Possibility to refresh application data from Google Play Refresh of the data can be performed manually from application details page or automatically when sync interval in organization settings is set (option "Google Play app synchronization interval" in UI organization settings) - Enable iOS Corporate Store operation with option to set a fullscreen mode. - Possibility to clear iOS Managed Configuration and delete all of the parameters on the device. - getDeviceDetails web service with additional device fields returned like: userAgent, allowedFotaVersion, stolenOn, enterpriseSdk, buildNumber, kernelVersion, deviceLanguage, knoxVersion, managedAccountName, dmModel, chargerState, batteryLevel, signalStrength deviceName, productCode, productIdentifier, wifiIp, _3gIp, memoryRam, memoryRamFree, displayX, displayY, batteryHealth, batterySerial, batteryCycle, batteryProduction, apVersion, cpVersion, cscVersion, cscCode, kmeKey, isKme, kmeEnrolledOn, inRepair, isSupervised, isLostmode, depDevice, appmonitorStatus, deviceOwner, unknownSources, logStatus knoxStatus, wpStatus - new report "Managed devices with custom fields" that shows device basic data with all custom fields related to the device and user of the device - new FAMOC Agents (Remote Access 4.6.0) for Lenovo A, S, M devices For more details please refer to the FAMOC documentation.