The Locations tab enables FAMOC user to monitor devices’ or users’ positions, which may be retrieved from mobile device. The administrator can see on the map the last position of every mobile device, which retrieves location data. All listed devices can be sorted on the list by using the chosen column and clicking on the column name.


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The map interaction

The administrator can mark any device on the list to see its positions on the map. On the right side of the map there is a legend with assigned marker colours for a clearer view of different devices in similar positions. You can freely select and unselect devices shown on the map, up to 14 devices at the same time. For each device you can see last retrieved location and another 20 previous locations.

Number on Select/Unselect button informs how many devices are marked on the list.

Position markers, which are close to each other, are shown on the map as groups. The administrator can click on the markers group or zoom in the map to see a single device location. The number displayed on the group icons shows how many locations are grouped there.


Markers of the single device can be linked to show a path of motion and changes in the device position in time. It may be turned on and off with Draw/Do not draw paths button on the action bar.


Customizing locations list

There is a possibility to customize which columns are displayed, by using Customize table view C:\Users\lukasz.orzeszek\Desktop\Dokumenty\GUI - devices guide\screeny\6.png. All available columns are listed on the left of the Action box, while columns currently visible in the Logs list are displayed on the right side. The administrator can drag and drop any column to change order or a list of displayed columns. To confirm changes press Save.


Filtering locations list


There is a possibility to filter locations data which is displayed on the map, by using the Filters button With active filters, only 20 last locations for each device will be shown on the list and the map. Administrator can choose various filter options:

Show last - if chosen, you can see only locations from chosen time frame; possible options to choose are: one day, two days, three days, one week, two weeks, one month and full history.

Date range - you can choose specific dates (with hours and minutes) in calendars from and to which locations will be shown on the list. ;

Filter by - three possible fields: Model, User and Description, by which administrator can filter devices on the list;

Records per page – the administrator can change the number of devices shown on a single page.

To confirm all chosen settings, click Save.

Export locations data to a file


There is a possibility to export locations data by clicking the Export data button You can export data with specific order of columns previously chosen in Customize table view options or choose another order of columns by dragging and dropping columns from the Available columns and Selected columns lists.

You can choose the format of exported file from three options:

CSV comma separated - .csv file, in which records are separated with “,” character;

CSV semicolon separated - .csv file, in which records are separated with “;” character;

TXT tab separated - .txt file, in which records are separated with tabulators.

Use filters checkbox allows you to export data with previously chosen and confirmed filters (e.g. device model or time frame).

To confirm all settings, click Save.

In locations tab you can export all data retrieved from mobile devices in a single file.

Location tab on a device details view

After clicking on a single device record in the general location list the administrator is redirected to a device details view. You can see all location data for the device in the Location tab.


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Filters in location tab of device details

There is a possibility to filter locations data which is displayed on the map and in the data table. You can choose from the following filter options:

Show last - if chosen, displays locations from chosen time frame; possible options to choose are: one day, two days, three days, one week, two weeks, one month and full history.

Date range – you can choose specific dates (with hours and minutes) by using From and To buttons.

Records per page – you can change the quantity of locations records shown in the single page in the table, available after unfolding the Expand button. By pressing Next page and Previous page buttons, you can see all stored location data for a device. You can freely select and deselect them to be shown or hidden on the map.img

You can also watch short film about this feature: