To add an application to the system, use Add application button C:\Users\lukasz.orzeszek\Desktop\Dokumenty\GUI - devices guide\screeny\5.png in the APPLICATIONS tab. It will trigger a modal window which will guide you through the process of adding new app.

In the first step select the platform of an application (Android, Apple or other).

Then, depending on your choice search for an app in a store (Google Play, App store) or upload a file with an app (supported formats - .apk for Android or .app; .pkg; .ipa. for iOS or macOS).The default size is up to 64Mb, but it is possible to increase the value. If you choose ‘Add in-house application’ option you will see an  additional step to provide basic data and upload application file. Required fields are marked with messages.

In the next step assign your app to appropriate app group. Then, select if the app should be available for all users or only users from selected groups of users or devices. You can also add the app to a Managed Google Play store (Android only).


Finally, set app installation policy - Install only in work profile - app will be possible to install only in corporate part of the device, Install automatically - app will be installed on all compatible devices, regardless of policy, Upgrade automatically - app will be automatically updated once new version is available.

In the last step confirm adding application by clicking Create application. newly created app can be found in the Applications tab.