If you want to prevent device users from installing or running certain applications you can add them to a blacklist. To do so edit or add new policy template and go to: Security options > Application policy.

You can create a list for every system i.e. Android, Apple or Windows Phone.

Expand the list and click  button. Enter the name of the application to add it to the list.

For Android apps mark a box in Blacklist column.

For Windows Phone, Apple and Device Owner mode select if you want to block or allow apps in the section above the list.

Android applications exception list

In order to add application to the list of exceptions, the package name must be provided in text field and confirmed by “Add” button. Package name will be auto-completed (based on device monitor sessions data), if user provides at least 3 chars. New package name will appear on the list. Package can be removed from the list by clicking on the “X” button.

Package name can have 100 chars.

For each application from the list, password policy and restriction can be set:

  • blacklist

  • block uninstallation (Samsung Android, Android Sony from Enterprise SDK 6.0 and Device Owner devices)

  • block force stop (only Samsung Android with Enterprise SDK from 3.0)

  • block clear data (only Samsung Android with Enterprise SDK from 4.0)

Windows Phone applications exception list

In order to add application to the list of exceptions, input Application GUID / Publisher and description in the text field and confirm by pressing “Add” button. New application parameters will appear on the list. Application record can be removed from the list by clicking on the “X” button.

Depending on the “Windows Phone application policy” flags settings in the security policy, the list will be treated either as a whitelist or a blacklist.

Application name can have 100 chars.

For each entry from the list the “Type” field can be set as either of the options: 

- “Application” – which refers to a defined application GUID

- “Publisher” – which refers to a specific name of a publisher of a group of applications

Apple applications whitelist/blacklist

In order to add application to the list of exceptions, click Add Application, input the Bundle ID in the text field and confirm by pressing “Add” button. New application parameters will appear on the list. Application record can be removed from the list by clicking on the “X” button.

Depending on the “Apple application policy” flags settings in the security policy, the list will be treated either as a whitelist or a blacklist.

Device Owner application policy

In order to add applications to the list of exceptions, input the package name and press “Add”.  New package name will appear on the list, it can be removed by pressing “X” button.