Firebase integration with FAMOC 3.31.4

New version of FAMOC will be available this week. It is going to bring one crucial change and before it happens, we would like to give you a chance to prepare.

From this version, Firebase Cloud Messaging integration will be necessary to send push messages to Android devices managed by FAMOC. To implement this integration, follow a few simple steps below. 

Firebase integration step by step

Below you can find the main steps of Firebase integration. Detailed instruction you can find in this file.

1. First, login to Firebase console
2. Select existing project or add a new one
3. Select or add FAMOC to integrate it with Firebase Cloud Messaging
4. Download google-services.json file, and then go to Cloud Messaging tab and copy Server key Token
6. Run the FAMOC Configuration Tool and go to Firebase push service configuration
7. Copy and paste Server key in FCM Server key field
8. Open .json file in Notepad and copy whole content. Paste it in Paste FCM JSON file field and click OK. To finish click Save
9. To finish the process select FINISH & SAVE CONFIG

And just like that you got yourself a Firebase & FAMOC integration! We hope you managed to integrate it without any problems. In case you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask our Support team at [email protected]