FAMOC manage 5.5.0 is available!
New version of the FAMOC manage system brings a lot of crucial improvements. Read what we've fixed in this version and what new features we have for you
One step closer to Android Enterprise recommended
Until now, it was possible to uninstall only certificates that we've installed ourselves in FAMOC manage. In 5.5.0 version we've added an option of silent uninstallation of any non-system CA certificates. You can choose to uninstall all of them at once or just one at a time.
We have also added an option "prevent users from configuring credentials in the managed keystore". User will not be able to install a non-system certificate
New certification options bring us one step closer to being recommended by Android Enterprise. Now we meet the "Advanced certificate management" standard.

Performance improvements
In FAMOC manage 5.5 we have also introduced significant improvements in the operation of the system. The Usage Monitor and the Locations tab are now much faster and more efficient. Even with large amounts of data or frequent reporting, there is a significant improvement in speed.
Android 10 improvements
FAMOC manage 5.5 also means improvements for Android 10 - primarily in the area of remote access and VPN support (in the work profile and in fully managed mode).