It's time for a new version of our system - FAMOC manage 5.13! This version brings a lot of new features that will improve management of mobile devices - not only those with Android system but also those with iOS and macOS.
New features for Android 11
We present some of the new features for recently released Android 11 - there's much more of them, but we think that these two will be the most helpful:
/ New BYOD policy / work profile restriction: maximum time the work profile is allowed to be turned off. Now you have the possibility to set the max time the work profile is not turned on and when the time is exceeded, the personal apps are blocked. One day before the user is notified about it. When the work profile is turned on, the personal apps appear again on the device.
/ New security restriction: disable managed networks settings change for Android Device Owner and BYOD Company Owned (more about this new mode here) devices. This option prevents from editing Wi-Fi settings managed by FAMOC manage.
Application Managed configurations support
In FAMOC manage 5.13 we added a support for Application Managed configurations without Managed Google Play account, so it is now possible to configure Android apps (if the app supports manage configuration) without Managed Google Play. When uploading an application to the FAMOC manage system, the parameters will be extracted from the APK file and the configuration modal will be enabled. App configuration will be created just after its successful installation. So now you can easily manage apps configuration without the need to use Managed Google Play!
Support for Apple BYOD
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) mode simply means, that an employee can use his own private device for corporate purposes. So far it was possible to enroll only an Android device in this mode, but now we added a possibility to enroll iOS BYOD devices to FAMOC manage as well! This option is available in Management UI, on "Add a new device" modal. During the enrollment it is required to provide Managed Apple ID. Devices will get one of the BYOD policies (based on the group assignments).
Currently supported operations:
/ VPP app installation,
/ security restrictions,
/ device monitor data reporting.
Sound settings control
In FAMOC manage 5.13 there's a new configuration for Android devices - sound settings on the device ? Thanks to that you can easily configure sound settings and determine how it should work on the device.
Available options:
/ sound mode - possibility to set global mode: Sound / Vibration / Muted,
/ device volume - set a global device volume,
/ show notification of sound change on device - if set, the notification of the sound change will appear on the device,
/ set the volume of each type of sound - possibility to specify the volume for each type: voice call, ring, media, alarm, notifications or system.
This feature is available for Android Device Owner and BYOD Company Owned (more about this new mode here) devices.
New Samsung security restrictions
In this version we added new security restrictions for Samsung devices:
/ Enforce automatic update download. When enabled in policy, the "Auto download over Wi-Fi” option on device's settings is turned on without possibility to switch it off. This option is available with Samsung premium license.
/ Disable automatic software updates. When selected, the device firmware update from download mode is disabled (the bootloader on device is locked, user can't enter the bootloader mode).
New iOS / iPadOS 14 features
Some of the new features for iOS and iPadOS 14 include:
/ possibility to disable MAC address randomization in WLAN network payload,
/ new security restrictions (in app restriction section):
- prevent user from adding any App Clips,
- limit Apple personalized advertising,
/ TimeZone settings configuration.
There is also a new macOS 11 restriction (in Update policy section): delay user visibility of non-OS Software Updates.
Configuration tab with list of the configurations
Now you have an easy and fast access to all of the configurations thanks to the configuration tab! It's a really transparent view of all configs that you can also search by chosen filters. You can filter configs by: configuration type groups, configuration types, platforms, policies, user groups, device groups and vailability (corpstore, container, installed on device).

Zero-touch improvements
Zero-touch enrollment is a streamlined process for Android devices to be provisioned for enterprise management. Now we added two major improvements to this method:
/ pagination when importing a lot of devices from the zero-touch portal,
/ possibility to provide zero-touch settings, email address of the admin who enabled zero-touch integration.
COSU policy enhancements
Now you can individualize your Single Use device faster than ever! In FAMOC manage 5.13 we added new COSU (Corporate Owned Single Use) mode policy enhancements:
/ wallpaper support,
/ shortcuts (webclips, apps) support - possibility to define shortcuts with custom name and icon that will appear on the device in COSU mode.
Deprecation of Android Backup agent
In one of the previous system versions - FAMOC manage 5.7 - we moved business book synchronization options from the Android Backup agent to the Base Agent. Now the Android Backup agent has been deprecated, so from FAMOC manage 5.13 contacts backup & restore options are available only in the Base Agent.
The old backup policy tab in policy settings and device details backup tab has been also deprecated. Settings of the business and private contacts intervals can be now set on the Backup settings tab in the Fully managed and BYOD policies. Admin can also send one-time backup / restore operations from the device details tab (Advanced UI) or send action from the Management UI. Restore is performed from the last available backup of the selected user's device.