famoc new

Hello, let's meet FAMOC manage 5.23!

This time FAMOC manage 5.23 brings new features and improvements mostly for iOS devices (but not only for them!). Learn more from Michał Kacprzak about what we have prepared for you today ?

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famoc apple

iOS: Restrictions for copy and paste functionality

To increase the security of corporate data it’s important to control the process of data sharing. Now it’s possible to enable 'Do not allow sharing data from unmanaged / managed apps' restrictions for copy and paste functionality. You can use this option to minimize the risk of data leakage. This feature is working for iOS unsupervised / supervised devices as well as for iOS / iPadOS BYOD devices.


We added much more security restrictions for iOS 15 devices, regarding apps policies, WiFi connection, Siri settings and more. Read more about them all on support.famoc.com

iOS: Cisco Secure Endpoint

Last time we announced FAMOC manage support for Cisco Umbrella for iOS devices. In FAMOC manage 5.23 there’s a new configuration available for iOS supervised devices: Cisco Secure Endpoint. Cisco endpoint protection prevents attacks by blocking access attempts. The new configuration is the main traffic analysis tool with some restriction options. It offers the ability to monitor all network traffic, including system apps. To use this feature you need to install Cisco Security Connector from the AppStore.

famoc server

Azure AD synchronization improvements

We also added some improvements in the Azure AD synchronization process. As a result the 'synchronize now' option is executed much faster. What’s more, there’s a new option 'Import users only from filtered groups', so it is now possible to sync users only from those groups we filtered.

FAMOC UI changes

UI: new layouts

You must definitely see our new views in the FAMOC manage console! Let’s start with some improvements in the new configuration modal: custom configuration groups are now displayed as categories in the UI next to the predefined categories. We also added a possibility to search through configuration names that you can see here:

famoc congifurations

We also added the new layout of the app details tab with left side menu:

famoc apps

NOTE. Next FAMOC version (5.24.0) will be the last one with support for Centos 6 servers. Please upgrade the server to Centos 7. For more information please contact the FAMOC support team.


If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at [email protected]. Don't forget to check our product roadmap and the FAMOC manage 5.23 documentation on the support portal.