It's time for the latest version of our system - Essentials MDM 5.35.0! 

This version introduces many UI improvements including Users tab, fully managed policies, but also Android and Apple features that will improve your daily work.

Important note! Managed Google Play deprecations.

As listed on Google page ( the API for several features that were available in Essentials MDM is now deprecated.

We have implemented Google recommended alternative. 

Here is the list of affected APIs:

- Application approval in managed Google Play:

Now there is no need to approve apps after adding them and enabling in managed Google Play.    

- Custom store layout

Now the application groups from Essentials MDM are not displayed in managed Google Play.

By default, the managed Google Play Store homepage shows all apps that are enabled for the device.

If administrators want to customize the homepage layout, they can organize apps into collections in the managed Google Play iframe.

The rest of the deprecated APIs have no impact on the end user. 

List of all changes can be found in attached release notes and fixes.